圣严法师108自在语 星云大师讲演集 洞山宗旨 清时期曹洞宗在湖南的发展 云门宗禅诗研究
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导读:佛陀时代的佛教是三衣一钵,出家人只要有三件衣服就够了,印度出家人托钵乞食,一大早就拿个钵到村庄里乞食。出家人在生活上或许接近现代的“弱势群体”,但在精神上却是很富足的。如果弱势群体、贫困群众,在物质匮乏的状态下,不沮丧不气馁,保持积极乐观的心态,这也是一种修行。At the time of the Buddha, each disciple was advised ...



  At the time of the Buddha, each disciple was advised to keep three robes and one begging bowl. The threerobes were enough attire for a monk. They begged for their food and each of them took abowl to the village early in the mornings to collect their sustenance from the villagers. ABuddhist monk materially would live a life we consider to be of “low living standard”。However in reality, they leada life of spirituality and happiness. It is important for the economicallyvulnerable groups of laymen to not to be discouraged in the face of economic depravity and maintain an optimistic attitude in life.
